God blocked a job, but opened a way to faith

Welcome to part 3, our final part in the series, “Finding your purpose in the workplace with faith.” Today, we have a fitting end with Steven Mudd, a young man who trained in college to go into broadcast TV but found God guiding him to Ministry at Victory Family Church in Oklahoma, instead. Would he follow the way God was leading him? And how did he feel about his dreams of broadcast stardom slipping away?

Steven mentioned this prayer in the episode:

Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me and before me.
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore.

Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in hearts of all who know me.
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger,
Christ in quiet and in roar.

Love, blessed Trinity of three,
Bound in unity
Who guides my journey.
I will arise with strength of heaven
Trusting in Your light
To guide my journey
Shine before me
Lead me home.

Power to guide me, might to hold me,
Wisdom teach me, watching o’er me.
Ear to hear me, hand to guard me,
Love to conquer every fear.

— Attributed to St. Patrick

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