“The Chosen,” Season 3, launched last week in theaters worldwide. Audiences are able to see the first two episodes on the big screen. This is a fulfillment of director Dallas Jenkins’ dream to bring the life of Jesus to TV and movie watchers everywhere. I spoke to Dallas at a convention in 2021 and his honesty gives insight into where we are now with the series. I hope you enjoy this special replay episode.
As season 3 begins, Jesus gives the famous Sermon on the Mount, revealing the Beatitudes and feeding thousands with just a basket of fish and loaves. We know the miraculous end of this story, and season three begins to move away from the happy, fun, and Inspirational Jesus to the struggles of what will end with his death and resurrection. On this Thanksgiving weekend, Positively Joy presents a replay with Dallas as he discusses his intent for this series.
Angel Studios features “The Chosen” and other Christian entertainment here.